Saturday, April 15, 2023

How does a gematria calculator work

Gematria is an ancient Hebrew system of assigning numerical values to letters and words, an archaic form of cryptology often used in Scripture. A gematria calculator is a tool used to determine the numerical value of words or phrases using this method.

The gematria numbers are derived from an ancient practice of assigning numerical values to each letter of the alphabet in Hebrew. This system has been adapted into many other languages and cultures over time, including Greek, Latin, Arabic, and Yiddish. By adding together the numerical values of each letter in a word or phrase, a single number can be determined representing the value or power of the total combination. Gematria is often used as a tool for divination, interpretation, and prophecy within religious texts such as the Bible and Torah.

Using a gematria calculator is fairly straightforward – one simply needs to input the desired word or phrase into the calculator's text field. The calculator will then convert each letter into its numerical equivalent according to the language's assigned gematria scale; all letters in English are assigned different values than those in Hebrew, for example. The combination of all letters' numbers will be added together to produce your final number.

For instance, let's take this sentence: "Love is an eternal thing" If we convert each letter using English's assigned numerical system, we would get L = 3, O = 6 , V = 4 , E = 5 , I = 9 , A = 1 , N = 5 , T = 2 , H = 8 , I = 9 , N = 5 , G = 7 for a total number of 57. You can also use gematria calculators on symbols such as those found on flags or currency; those symbols can have their own unique meaning when looked at from an esoteric point-of-view.

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